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knihy o Černonožcích v pdf, bylinky atd.

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Tady posílám odkaz na stránky o černonožských bylinách je tan spousta věcí např.tady je
přehled bylin: ... -main.html

a tady jsou digitalizované knížky o Černonožcích v pdf: ... T=/stories

Tady jsou ještě jedny dobré stránky se severoamerickou etnobotanikou
LBH - Sedící Býk : Custer 1:0
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Píta Ominí
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LBH - Sedící Býk : Custer 1:0
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Velice zajímavé :)

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Píta Ominí
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Já si nemůžu pomoct, ale ten chlap na té fotce mi hrozně připomíná Chodího vodou :-)
LBH - Sedící Býk : Custer 1:0
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Píta Ominí
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Registrován: pon úno 05, 2007 8:44 pm
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Indiánská posunková řeč

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Tady posílám odkaz na zajímavé video o posunkové řeči indiánů z roku 1930, jsou tam hlavně Černonožci, ale v ukázkách jsou i Šošoni, Vrány, Šajeni, Siouxové, Mandani, Arikarové atd., a pak je tam i ukázka spousty znaků, zeměpisných názvů atd. Stojí to za to.
LBH - Sedící Býk : Custer 1:0
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Píta Ominí
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Tak jsem narazil na stránky, kde mimo jiné píší i něco o indiánech. Hrůzou mi při tom vstávaly vlasy na hlavě - když pominu zcela nepřesné informace o bylinkách - jako ságo=Artemisia, příčemž ve skutečnosti je artemisia pelyněk (ang. sage, často mylně překládáno jako šalvěj), Cornus amonum je zde uvedeno jako červená kůra vrby, namísto svída pod.Tyto zcela nepřesné botanické informace však nejsou ničím proti jiným bludům zde uvedeným, jako že Sedící Bbýk a Černý jelen používali marihuanu do svých dýmek a jiné využití marihuany coby součásti dýmek míru. Hrůza. Nejsmutnější na tom však je, že v odkazech na oněch stránkách jsou i odkazy na náš indian corral, slovenskou skupinu Wigmunke Oyate (která se od něčeho takového zásadně distancuje), česé pow wow, Irokézové u nás... Což si myslím, že je blbé zejména v tom, že si pak čtenář může myslet, že čeští euroindiáni, Ic a pod. se s tímto ztotožňuje.
Dá se vůbec nějak zabránit, aby někdo cizí nedával na své stránky odkazy na jiné stránky, když si to druhá strana třeba nepřeje? ... +hlasovali!
LBH - Sedící Býk : Custer 1:0
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Píta Ominí
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Nemáte někdo, prosím, tuto fotku v lepší kvalitě? A nevíte, kdo ji fotil? Vždycky, když ji najdu v nějaké knize, tak je tam jen uvedeno, že je ze Smithional institution, někdy je ještě uvedeno Blood, Piegan and Sarsi encampment, ca 1900, near Gleichen, Alberta, Canada. Na google se mi podařilo najít jen tuto špatnou fotku. Díky moc za rady.
sundance obr..jpg
sundance obr..jpg (48.57 KiB) Zobrazeno 9199 x
LBH - Sedící Býk : Custer 1:0
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Příspěvek od Kopnuty_konem » ... egan%29%22

jinak se to tam v archivu jmenuje
Campment of Bloods, Blackfeet Piegans and Sarcee Indians near Gleichen.
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Píta Ominí
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Registrován: pon úno 05, 2007 8:44 pm
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Díky moc. Tohle je mnohem lepší kvalita. Kdybyste to někdo měli i z jiných stránek, klidně dejte vědět.
LBH - Sedící Býk : Custer 1:0
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Píta Ominí
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Registrován: pon úno 05, 2007 8:44 pm
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Indian boarding school

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LBH - Sedící Býk : Custer 1:0
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Registrován: sob úno 03, 2007 9:44 pm
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Příspěvek od Eagle-Eye »

Nedávno jsem dokončil sérii článků o americkém bizonovi, jsou k dispozici zde
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Registrován: pon říj 08, 2007 4:21 pm
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add bison

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Přišla mi výzva k přidání se a šíření petice proti omezování pohybu bisonů. Mrkněte na to... ... ffalo.html
*****Don't eat yellow snow...*****
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Píta Ominí
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Registrován: pon úno 05, 2007 8:44 pm
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Apačové chtějí omluvu za kódové označení bin Ládina

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LBH - Sedící Býk : Custer 1:0
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Registrován: pát pro 11, 2009 11:51 am
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Re: Apačové chtějí omluvu za kódové označení bin Ládina

Příspěvek od prorážečkostí »

With Apologies to Geronimo
Last night I was engaged in what to some is verbal sport: the facebook battle! The exchange shook me and even after a good sleep, a meditation session, and a walk beneath smiling skies, I cannot staunch the rush of toxins in my system, as if I'd been So I figured I'd do what I do best, I'd write about it, in hopes that by analyzing the argument I might add something to the dialogue on continuing American (mis)conceptions regarding her elder citizens: the indigenous people of this continent. [Elder citizens by ancestry, not legislation, since we were not granted "citizen" status until 1924.] So. Yesterday I posted an eloquent article written by Lise Balk King, a Native American journalist, leader, and friend, explaining how, when Native people learned that Osama bin Laden was termed, "Geronimo" in military exchanges, as in, "We've ID'd 'Geronimo'...'Geronimo' is dead," to many of us this felt like a heartbreaking bombshell -- yet another betrayal. I've never seen a link re-posted so often, so quickly, by many Native friends, of course, but also non-Native friends, standing with us in solidarity, hearing our frustration. Naturally we don't all agree on these issues, and what a dull world it would be if we did, so when a person I don't know commented on the piece a friend had re-posted, taking issue, I wasn't upset. He remarked that he understood some would be offended, but that "while the arrival of white-folk to these lands was devastating to Native Americans, Geronimo was responsible for many deaths, too. Even though I'm a white man, just because they used Geronimo as code name for Bin Laden, I would never make the leap that the U.S. Government purposely means to insult Geronimo or the Apache tribe." My pulse wasn't yet racing, I merely noted that the deaths attributed to bin Laden were entirely different from Geronimo's battle (on his home territory) to defend land, people, and a way of life. I could have said, well, yes, you wouldn't make that connection, that "leap," because you're not Native American. You weren't raised in a country where nearly every depiction of you in literature, on television, in films, in history books and textbooks, scholarly studies and papers, was demeaning, insulting, negative, and ignorant -- produced by outsiders who either didn't know us, didn't care to know us, or who had a stake in legitimizing the theft of the continent by painting us and re-painting us as primitive, bloody-thirsty folk who needed to be swept away by the steamroll of "progress." I hadn't yet lost my (ahem) composure. But then R. wrote back: "I understand how it can be hurtful, if one isn't fully at-peace with or cognizant of one's ancestor's heritage... The choice of 'Geronimo' is a poignant historical one, but to say it has bearing on present-day ...tribes, or to link an individual with a group is disingenuous, and it's just someone taking offense for the shear sake of taking offense... It's like saying Bin Laden represents all of Islam. I think a LOT of Muslims would take issue with that assumption..." Oh, no...he didn't. Yes, he did. Wow. Call the paramedics, my blood pressure is rising. Try imagining what the brilliant Spike Lee would say, or, better yet, Cornel West, if, after they lodged a complaint about how they felt a revered African-American icon had been smeared and tarnished by folks who should know better by now, they were told: Well, you wouldn't be upset if you were comfortable with your Blackness and knew something about it. Additionally, that their reaction was a game -- taking offense for the sheer, cussed pleasure of it. Now, on a better day, my "higher" self would have stepped to the fore, and I would have qualified my statements, saying things like: "I know you don't mean to offend, but here's how your words can sound to a person of my ancestry." I believe in Non-Violent Communication, and I've read a couple of books on the system, wanting to learn the practice. It was R's misfortune to catch me on a bad day, when I was tired of being the Professional Indian, who patiently and diligently works to dismantle centuries' worth of cruel myths and stereotypes still dragging behind my people, weary of being Mother Confessor, who has absorbed the stories of white people, shared with me after readings in Indian country, that they used to be racist, their elders still are, they used to beat up drunk Indians and steal their money, they used to.... Used to... But now they see the error of their ways. R. caught me on a night where I was more in touch with the child I once was, than the graceful woman I wish to become. I could viscerally recall being the only Native student in my elementary school class, squirming as teachers described my people in ways I didn't recognize, couldn't honor. And, when I timidly raised my hand, wishing to sink through the floor because I was so shy, near-whispering a comment that in my family and my tribe this was my experience and what I'd been taught, the teacher would smile in a smug way, and tell me how wrong and misguided I was. This is how a child learns that she is invisible in America. This is how a child learns that her voice doesn't count, her experience is invalid and not to be trusted. This is how a child sometimes wonders if she's crazy since her truth never matches the one the mainstream tells her is The Truth. The argument devolved from there, R. earnestly trying to teach me more about who Geronimo was, historically, drawing heavily from a BBC article that impressed him, or perhaps having googled the leader's name. I asked him if he could see how arrogant his stance was, lecturing a Native person on her own history, telling me how to feel. R. didn't like that at all and we wrapped things up in a huff. But there was so much I didn't say, which I'm attempting to articulate here, to ensure it wasn't just another small facebook drama that gets lost in the crowd of noise. I didn't ask him to quote sources, though I'm willing to bet they were 100% non-Native, which is part of the problem. Native oral tradition on our own leaders, history and experience has long been considered untrustworthy testimony -- to be studied for its anthropological value, not its merit as historical narrative. Even when time after time, our version of events has been proven to be more accurate (e.g., our testimony regarding the Battle of the Little Big Horn fitting the archaeological evidence unearthed in recent years). This prejudice is changing, but very slowly. There are still some voices in the Academy who maintain that since we lived our own experience, well, we can't be properly "objective" about it. Say what? Does that mean that neither British nor American historians can weigh in on the American Revolution because their forebears were participants? I could go on, but you get the idea... It was R.'s misfortune that I have been patient for 49 years and last night finally reached the flash-point, my personal limit as to how much ignorance, condescension, arrogance, myth-making, stereotyping and bigotry I can endure. If I am forever kind, tactfully qualifying my heart out in the face of willful blindness, I cannot be the mirror held up before the face of hostility. Perhaps, every now and then, irritation is allowed, even necessary. Sometimes fellow citizens need to see that their words are ugly. Their words do harm and perpetuate all kinds of bad habits many of us are trying to outgrow. The dear friend who re-posted my link in the first place, remarked to R. that "there are times when the best thing you can do is listen." Bless you, L. Yes, after centuries of being told who we are, you'd think we'd have a little air-time coming to us, the chance to break past the Intellectual Reservation that locks us up more surely than any treaty ever did.

Susan Power
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Registrován: pon úno 05, 2007 8:44 pm
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Wounded Knee animace, muzeum atd na PC

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Moc hezká animace
Když najedete na oheň u týpí dole - Lakota today, a pak na odkaz Voice of the last survivor, najdete tam audiozáznam v lakotštině z roku 1953 - vyprávění o Wounded Knee od Lakoty jménem Dewey Beard
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